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04 March 2019
by Ferdinand Steinbeis

English Boarding Schools and Brexit: Three Likely Scenarios

Hello from sunny Oxford,
Great Britain is due to leave the European Union on the 29th March - so, in three weeks. At this stage there is no clarity on what exactly will happen. Nor do we know for sure how whatever happens will impact your plans to send your child to a British boarding school in the foreseeable future.
That said, we want to share with you our understanding of the current situation and what the most likely outcomes might be.
All outcomes depend on whether Great Britain can agree on a Withdrawal Agreement - a 'deal' - with Europe before the 29th of March, and whether Great Britain actually decides to leave the EU on the 29th March.
Here are the possible outcomes at this moment as we understand them:
Potential Outcome #1: Withdrawal Agreement on Theresa May's existing plan
If this were to happen, there will be a transition period up to 31st December 2020, during which free movement will remain. Therefore no visa will be required to study at British boarding schools for the academic year 2019-20.
During that year new EU students would apply for ‘settled status’, by which they will be able to continue studying in the UK after the end of the transition period. Under the Withdrawal Agreement, settled status would only not be granted if a student has eg. a criminal record. Therefore families from the EU can safely assume that a boarding school place will be granted settled status, and therefore will not require a visa to study.
Potential Outcome #2: No deal, UK leaves the EU on 29th March 2019
In this scenario there will be no transition period. EU students commencing their studies in the UK after 29th March 2019 will have to apply for a Temporary Leave to Remain (TLtR). This will be valid for 36 months from the date of approval. The British government has not yet confirmed what the visa requirements for these students would be after three years. The British government has continued to emphasize that it wants to welcome and encourage EU students to study here, so it can anticipated that any future visa requirement will be quite straightforward and affordable.
Please find in the following link an update on the latest development of UK government policy on new EU applications if there is no deal. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/european-temporary-leave-to-remain-in-the-uk
Potential Outcome #3: a delay to Brexit
In this scenario free movement will continue until the revised Brexit day, and after that it will depend on whether a deal is agreed.
From what emerges in the British press daily, this outcome strikes us as the most likely at this current moment.
We very much hope this information is reassuring for parents of EU citizens due to commence their studies at a British boarding school shortly, and we hope to have some further clarity for you after Easter.
Please get in touch with us at von Bülow Education via info@buloweducation or Tel +44 (0) 1235 838540 if you have any questions whatsoever.
Yours von Bülow Education

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